St Michael and All Angels'

Symbols of sacredness, safeguarding, learning and community
St. Michael and All Angels' overlooks the sea on the front at Aberystwyth. It is within a conservation area that also includes the grade one listed 19th century university building and the castle ruins that date back to the later Middle Ages.
It is a big, urban church and is at least the third in a line of chapels and churches that have been built to keep pace with a growing population and demands for a spiritual centre. Built in 1890 from Yorkshire stone and in the 14th century ‘Decorated’ style, it contrasts with the ‘Neo-Gothic’ style of the nearby Old College.
Slip inside the open doors and the first impression is one of energy and welcome. A generous space is given over to a shop for souvenirs and information. The interior is warm and filled with light from the large stained glass windows. An unusual feature are the colourful sewn banners, which are changed according to the season.